When we are open to the unknown

…we are open to change.

The EAC started in 2012 with a story

…the story that I told myself about my life and the disconnect with the life I was actually living. I was so far  outside my values, with no compass bearing to walk on. I could no longer face myself in the mirror. I couldn’t live in this way. No amount of money could medicate against the way I was feeling. I felt  myself unravelling stitch by stitch, like yarn in my  grandmother's knitting. Pulled apart until there was nothing left.

Kierkegaard stated that life must be lived forwards, but is only understood backwards. 

I had spent 25 years seeking out and living experiences in the Royal Marines, in business and on my own adventures -  all in an exploration of myself. Over time, I managed to pick up the unravelled narrative of my life and stitch it back together again – pulling the threads into creating the EAC. Motivated by a commitment to support others in writing new narratives for their lives and in driving positive change. 

For in the end we are but our stories

The importance of storytelling in how we frame our own lives - the divergence between the stories we tell ourselves and the stories we tell others.

The importance of enquiry and questioning,  to not always believe the story – even those we tell ourselves. Do not live someone else’s story, write your own.  

Exploration based therapy creates opportunities for a deep interrogation of our internal narrative. Since its inception the EAC has steadily built a reputation based on lasting impact, utilising our particular methodology.  The EAC has grown a significant multidisciplinary team of internationally renowned experts to deliver our unique programmes - from improving performance, to recovery from addiction - our clinicians, counsellors and coaches tackle a range of complex issues, all set within incredible environments.

Rewrite your story

“I was at a point in my life where I was stuck. I was suffering from crippling anxiety because I felt overwhelmed with the demands and expectations that were put on me and I was putting on myself. I had lost who I was and what my needs and desires were. My journey is, and was, one of regaining my independence and inner strength - both physical and mental. It brought me a sense of solitude and peace I don’t think I have ever experienced.”

Female, 28 years old